Wednesday, December 2, 2020 – 10 AM to 4 PM
Thursday, December 3, 2020 – 10 AM to 4 PM
Cost: $290 per person. PPTA cancellation policy applies.
This cost includes the NGV Essentials and Safety Practices E-Learning course. Access instructions will be provided to all registrants in early November.
Registration Deadline: November 5, 2020. Contact Sara Bowden at sara@ppta.net or 717-234-7211 to request a seat.
NGV Essentials and Safety Practices E-Learning
With a focus on safety, the NGV Essentials and Safety Practices training (“Course”) teaches technicians and support team members the fundamentals of working with natural gas as a vehicle fuel and both CNG and LNG fuel systems.
This course is a prerequisite for technicians who will take CNG Fuel System Inspector Training.
The learning objectives for this course include:
- Describe the properties and characteristics of natural gas.
- Identify the differences between natural gas and other liquid fuels.
- Identify all major low- and high-pressure CNG fuel system components; describe their operation and safety precautions.
- Describe the differences between dedicated, bi-fuel and dual-fuel NGVs.
- Identify and employ safety practices when working with natural gas powered vehicles.
- Be familiar with CNG fueling station equipment, safety devices, operation and fueling procedures.
- Identify CNG and LNG depressurizing and defueling methods and the related safety precautions.
Live Virtual CNG Fuel System Inspector Training
The CNG Fuel System Inspector Training (“Course”) is a two-day course intended to fully prepare your technicians to become qualified Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Fuel System Inspectors as recommended by FMVSS and NGV2. The Course teaches attendees the proper techniques for inspecting the entire onboard CNG fuel system, including fuel storage cylinders. The Course also provides instruction on satisfying the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration requirement that all on-board vehicle CNG fuel storage cylinders be visually inspected every three years or 36,000 miles, whichever comes first, and after any vehicle accident or fire. In short, your technicians will learn the proper methods to use to ensure vehicle fuel system safety and integrity.
The learning objectives for this course include:
- Describe the properties and characteristics of natural gas
- Identify the four types of CNG cylinders, their construction methods, certification requirements, current and past manufacturers
- Identify the causes of cylinder failure
- Identify all codes and standards that apply to CNG cylinders and other fuel system components
- Identify all CNG high-pressure components, and their purpose
- Identify and assess CNG cylinder and fuel system installations
- Interpret all information from a CNG cylinder label
- Describe the steps and methods to safely perform a CNG fuel system inspection in conformance with established standards
- Describe the final disposition process for CNG cylinders and fuel system components
- Describe the defueling options for CNG powered vehicles
CNG Fuel System Inspector Online Certification Exam
NGVi’s CNG Fuel System Inspector Certification provides an independent assessment of the knowledge and application of skills necessary for technicians to competently conduct a CNG fuel system inspection according to all applicable codes and standards, and industry best practices. Certification designates that participants have sufficiently demonstrated the work-related knowledge, skills and competencies required to perform the tasks of a CNG fuel system inspector.
This NGVi CNG Fuel System Inspector Certification exam consists of 60 multiple choice questions and participants will have 3 hours to complete the exam. A minimum score of 80% is required to obtain certification. Certification is valid for 5 years from the date of issue.
Client will receive notification of test results within 2 weeks of the exam date. Participants who successfully pass the exam will be mailed an official ID card and certificate. Participants who do not pass the exam will be allowed one complimentary re-take. The options for re-take include:
- Registering to participate in a scheduled live testing session in our headquarters in Las Vegas;
- Registering to participate in a scheduled live testing session in any of our public training venues; or
- Registering for our online exam.
Please note that the entire testing process will be video recorded and participants will be expected to:
- Present photo identification to verify identity prior to the start of the exam;
- Remain silent during the exam;
- Remain seated in the testing room until the exam has been submitted;
- Forego use of electronic devices; and
- Bring no study materials into the testing room.
If any of these requirements are not followed, the individual’s exam will be declared invalid; participant will fail, and will not be eligible for the complimentary re-take. Refunds will not be made for failure to follow the testing procedure.
Please be aware that the exam will include questions relating to all applicable national codes, standards and industry best practices. Though not mandatory, we suggest that students obtain copies of NFPA 52 (2016 and 2013), as well as CGA C-6.4, in order to thoroughly prepare for the exam.
Schedule and Virtual Training Requirements
The NGV Essentials and Safety Practices E-Learning will be assigned to each student by November 9, 2020 and each student will be expected to complete the self-paced course prior to the first day of the live virtual session. The Live Virtual CNG Fuel System Inspector Training will be held in NGVi’s virtual classroom. Once students have completed the live virtual session, they will receive an email with instructions for accessing and completing the CNG Fuel System Inspector Online Certification Exam at their convenience within a 15-day period.
Before the first day of training, students are required to ensure that they:
- Have received their participant guide. The guide will be shipped to the address on file for each participant and will be delivered via FedEx.
- Identify and confirm WHERE they will participate in training.
- They will need a quiet area with high-bandwith internet access. Low-bandwith internet will not allow the learning software to function properly.
- Students from the same company attending training should not view the training from one computer or from separate computers in the same room due to audio feedback.
- Have access to a laptop or desktop computer that features a functioning webcam, microphone and audio/speakers. TABLETS will not function properly.
- From the computer they will be using for training, they must create their NewRow online account so that they are set up and ready to log in on the first day of training.
- Perform the mandatory computer check using instructions that will be sent directly to the students the week prior to training. If their computer fails the computer check, we recommend they seek assistance from their company’s IT support staff.
On the first day of training, students should:
- Log into NewRow 10-15 minutes prior to the scheduled class start time to get familiar with the platform. All participants should log in separately.
- Make sure to close all other applications on their computer while they are attending the training.
- Access NewRow using Google Chrome or Firefox as their browser.